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  1. Buy a notebook or journal. Write one line in it every day about whatever is important to you.

  2. Exercise 5 minutes every day -- pushups, walking the stairs, situps, running on the treadmill -- you decide.

  3. Write an intention statement first thing in the morning.  Start the day with intention by writing one thing you will complete that day.

  4. Write why you are not committing to your decision to be more consistent? There is something keeping you from being the brilliant, beautiful you.  Learn something about yourself.

  5. Track your progress every day in a calendar.  Capture celebration on the days you complete the previous builders.  Also flag those days you don't. Begin to see your progress...and keep doing it!

5 Consistency Builders

Tired of making promises to yourself and letting yourself down? Change it now! Begin supporting yourself by increasing your consistency. As Lisa Nichols' communicated in her book, "Abundance Now," there is no secret code to success.  Success requires laser focus, clarity and consistency in your mindset, application and intention. Integrate the three attributes to success by starting the challenge now. It doesn't have to be the first of the month, week or day.  Today is the time.  Start  the building steps below and share your progress on our facebook page by clickling the icon above.


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